Author: Ozzy Lister


Search “ozzyowlsguitarsanctuary” if you want to see more photos of guitars in bits. These will be more in real time, as I’m working on things, or if I find something interesting.

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Keep on keeping on…

So, website updates are coming on but in the meantime I have a few projects on the bench including a custom Rickenbacker replica, a “very metal” Charvel and my own 1981 Gibson SG which I foolishly threw on the floor and broke the headstock. To help with the headstock repair I’ve decided to build a…

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Still going…

Uploading all the jobs I’ve done over the passed few years is taking a while! Still it’s been nice to revisit my work to see both good results and even mistakes which illustrate that no matter what there’s always something new to learn.

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So, I’ve finally got round to updating the site. Currently going through all my passed projects and  adding them to the new “Workshop” section for those who are interested in seeing what goes on. Hopefully I should be up to date in a week or two.

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