Fender Stratocaster

This Strat came in for a setup in a fairly odd tuning (CGCFGC) but we weren’t sure what strings were on it. After measuring them I found they were D’Addario 13 – 56 (Jazz) which is basically a set of 10s with a 10 missing and a 56 on the bottom. The nut was too low but the owner wasn’t keen on a new one so I shimmed it. The frets were also in bad shape and could do with a fret level but not this time. Did what I could but had to raise the action to get over some dead frets up the top end.

A coupe if the tuner washers had failed so I replaced them and tighten the output.

Setup with D’Addario 13 – 56 (apart for the 56 which is an Ernie Ball!).