This bass came in as there was no output and it needed a setup as the neck was in backbone amongst other things. When I opened the control cavity to see what was going on a found a ground wire that was not required and had been left floating around. My initial thought was this was occasionally touching something it shouldn’t and causing a short, as when I plugged the bass in it seemed to work fine. However, as I worked through the setup I found the bass was still cutting out and either going to low output or normal. It was difficult to trace the issue and as the wiring was a mess I rewired it. The issue persisted so I replaced the volume pot as that seemed to be issue, alas no I finally came to realise the issue was one of the pickup leads, still not sure which as I could not replicate the issue with any consistency. I replaced both and hope the break was somewhere below where I made the cut. Success… finally. Intermittent problems like this are the worst especially when you can’y ,are the issue happen.
Setup with Erin Ball 50 – 105.